Friday, April 23, 2010

Weekend Reflections: Upside Down Bridge Traffic

More weekend reflections here.
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Rune Eide said...

I like that composition - the invisible "primary" bridge, and the glass-like water.

Anonymous said...

I agree with RuneE - I love the invisible 'primary' bridge - and I love the cars on the reflected bridge! I didn't notice them at first glance.

cieldequimper said...

I can but agree, the fact that the original isn't in the picture adds so much to it. So do the cars, it would be blander otherwise. Nice one!

Matty said...

Almost seems like an optical illusion.

2sweetnsaxy said...

Great reflection! Seen... but not seen.

Julie said...

I like this, Michael. I like the reflection you have captured of the traffic crossing the bridge. But I alo like the naturalness of the water in the pond/stream and the surrounding grassy areas.

Sylvia K said...

I love your "upside down" bridge! What a great reflection capture! Hope you've had a great weekend, Michael!


arabesque said...

this is a nice shot michael, the water seems unperturbed and very clear. ^0^

Nefertiti said...

Magnifique !

Serline said...

Love the way you focus on the reflection instead of the actual bridge...

Nydia said...

Oh which side should I look at? It's perfect!

Kisses from us.

PS: You were the only one wh guessed right about the doggie friend, Michael! She was scratching herself indeed! LOL

Elaine Yim said...

What a clever reflection. Smart!

Kaori said...

For a minute there I couldn't tell which way was up! Wonderful photo :)

Regina said...

Beautiful reflections!